Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Mobile phones

The bar code reader on my mobile not working...

not a problem
my work was never about having the technology , more about how the technology can be used as a creative medium. For me I have used it as tool ,exploring the space between old and new technologies, the space between words that look or sound similar but which have different meanings, between the ancient landscapes/sacred sites and the integration of semacodes in a way that connects with the land, rather than offering a new tool to describe the past and also I guess what it is to be human and what that might mean in relation to technology.
Technology offers a kind of phantasy of a better life that works, new and improved .

As humans we are vulnerable, subject to all sorts of errors and failings.

We get things wrong,we make mistakes, our worlds are multi layered, complex.

So I have uploaded some images I created on the drawing panel app relating to the format of semacode ,its wordless and expressive ... meaningful and cannot be decoded.
I like that idea.

The best Friday 13th your'e likely to have....ever!

Roll up, roll up! Friday 13th 1.30-3.30pm Somerset College, White space gallery!
See, hear and feel new work created in residence here in our very own town, Taunton, by the new and emerging artists in residence: Brian Gibson, Paul Hurley and Natalie Parsley.
Don't miss it!

Final week

Well it's the final week already and I really can't believe how fast it's gone. Nor how much we've done, in just a few fast weeks. It's really exciting to see all of Brian's stuff up here, and Natalie's in the studio - her and I have been busying away today, getting stuff done before we install the show at the end of the week. I performed ArtVoodoo in the town centre on Saturday, which was a lot of fun. People reacted with (predictable) bemusement, but mostly engaged with curiosity, interest and warmth, which was encouraging (and as told my partner, I managed not to get beaten up or arrested either, which is always a good thing...!) Find below a short clip from the end of the video that Emily Bull so brilliantly took of the performance. I'm still finishing editing the whole video for the exhibition but consider this a little taster!

I was planning to go and take some photographs out and about in Taunton this afternoon, but having been on a recce around town and just getting back to the studio the heavens have suddenly opened. But I guess that's what comes of working outdoors... More to follow soon.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Re Generation

Here are four images each generated by my interest in Semacode .

Drafts for a tapestry

Taunton is in the process of being regenerated , here are two regenerated images of Taunton. Drafts for a tapestry

Monday, 2 August 2010


This image functions as an expression on a grid. After the formality of computer generated images and other exactitude's I like it very very much


Origin: 1575–85; < Lcōdex, caudex tree-trunk, book (formed orig.fromwooden tablets); cf. code

I am working with code

and come across this definition .

.After I have create this work